No, in all these things
we are more than conquerors
through Him who loves us.
( Roman 8:37 )
'HIDUP DALAM KEMENANGAN'..our theme..PUJI TUHAN..this camp is the most best things happen in my makes me close to God..Thanks a lot GOD for make me became part of your family..btw this camp only for northern IPG at Batu Feringghi..seriously, im type of people who seeking for God help when in troubles..i regret it so i learn how to get more closer to God by read The Bible.. :)
sepanjang camp nie..tak dapat rasanya diucapkan dengan kata-kata..chewahhh..ayat tu xley blah..join camp nie bukan suka-suka..tapi dengan rela hati..because i think this camp will changes me to become strong, independent woman & the most important i want to know about JESUS.. :)
biasalah klu dengar seminar confirm2 la mata lentok..tapi x tertido langsung masa seminar tu..good job la vic.. :) ..yang paling best bila tiap ipg cita tentang susah-senang-lawak-sedih dll dorg bile dapat ipg kat semenanjung..nasib kitorg sama je..bawa dri masing2 bila datang negeri orang..yang pasti ktorg bersatu dalam camp nie..yang paling tersentuh bila malam 'sharing'..sedikit tersentuh..nangis kot..hehe..
sebelum pergi & last day kat CCC
hiking to Mukah Head/Lighthouse
tp x pegi kat rumah api pon sebab semua dah penat.. :(
kumpulan perbincangan..
lawak + malu je ble si gotok cte yang bukan2 tentang keluarga dia..
hahaha..sorg pon xpaham.. ><
lastly, pasal lebam..
xtau dari mana dapat..
balik je maktab dah biru camnie..
tangan semua biru..sampai rumate ingat ktorg kena buli..haha
byk tunjuk nie je..
1 lg si gotok punya kerja bile die cubit sekuat hati dia..
Submit yourself therefore to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
( James 4:7 )
dapat firman nie kat belakang tag nama.. :))
p/s : Tuhan satukan hati kami semua & im looking foward for TCF at KL this august..Amen.